Although this spider is big and scary, it is a very fascinating
creature. One interesting fact about this spider is that it's is being studied to help cure medical conditions such as seizures,
strokes, and neurological disorders. Another interesting fact about this spider is that when it hisses it can be heard from
up to 15 feet away. One gross fact about these spiders is that people catch them, and then they will roast and eat them.

Female |

The life expectancy for these spiders vaires depending on
whether the spider is a male or a female. Females usually have a life expectancy of about 25 years, and males have a life
expectancy of 1 year or less because of the females killing their mates after breeding. It usually takes about 10 years for
these spiders to come into maturity. They will continue to molt past maturity and they have the ability to regrow a lost limb