Goliath Bird Eating Spider


General Information
Predators & Prey
Hunting Methods
Interesting Facts


During the time of mating the male spider will go over to the females burrow and try to entice her to coma out. Once she comes out he will use his mating hooks, which are located on his first pair of legs, to restrain her fangs while he tries to mate with her. After mating the male has to make a fast getaway or he will be killed or possibly injured by the female. Ususally about 50% of males are killed while trying to mate with a female.


Females will usually deposit about 50 eggs into a silken sac that she will keep in her burrow, the sac is ususally about 1 in. in diameter. She guards the sac for about 6 to 7 weeks, and is very protective of the sac, that she takes it with her when she leaves the burrow. It will take about 2 to 3 months for the eggs to hatch. After the babies are born they will remain with their mother until their first molting period, and then they are on their own.


Derek Rians
Period 1